Free Copy of the Finance Act 2020
Click to download free copy of the new Finance Act 2020. On 31 December 2020, the President of Nigeria signed into law, the Finance Act
Click to download free copy of the new Finance Act 2020. On 31 December 2020, the President of Nigeria signed into law, the Finance Act
Free Copy of the Police Act 2020. Click to download the new Police Act, 2020. On 15 September 2020, the President of Nigeria signed into
Click to download the new Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 On 7 August 2020, the President of Nigeria signed into law, a new company
Free copy of the “RECOVERY OF PREMISES ACT, 1945”. Click to download, the Recovery of Premises Act, 1945. Tenancy (Landlords and Tenants relationship/matters) is regulated
Free Copy of “Edo State Local Governments Uniform and Harmonised Levies, Rates, Fees and Charges Law, 2017”. Click to download “the Edo State Local Governments
The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (NERC) ORDER ON UNAUTHORISED ACCESS, METER TAMPERING AND BY-PASS, 2017 (ORDER NO.:NERC/REG/41/2017, was made to reduce unauthorised access to electricity supply by tampering and meter bypass. It provides conditions for reconnecting a customer that was earlier disconnected for unuthorised connection to electricity. The Order has 6 paragraphs and tables of punitive charges.
The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (NERC) CONNECTION AND DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRICITY SERVICES, 2007, governs connection and disconnection of customers to electricity across Nigeria. It lists conditions for disconnection of an electricity customers and prohibits wrongful disconnection. The Regulation is short and precise with 14 sections.
The National Environmental Health Practise Regulation 2016 was made on 10th February 2016 to replace the National Environmental Health Practise Regulation 2007. The National Environmental Health Practise Regulation 2016 is made pursuant to the Environmental Health Officers (Registration etc) Act, 2002.