Child Adoption Procedure in Abuja.
By Emeihe Nnenna Joyce, Esq.
1. Engage your lawyer get the necessary forms and requirements from the Magistrate Family court division.
2. Provide the following requirements and file them at Social Development Secretariat, Area 3, Abuja where the application will be processed.
a. A hand written application for Adoption/Fostering
b. Two recent passport-size photograph
c. Photocopy of Birth Certificate or Age declaration
d. Marriage certificate (For married Foster Parents)
e. Medical Certificate of fitness (Original Copy)
f. Letter of consent(s)
g. Evidence of indigenouship (from LGA or state Liaison Office)
h. Evidence of income
i. Three referees
3. The application will be transferred to the Director, Gender Development Department (Child Welfare Division) who will organize for the physical inspection of the applicant’s address.
4. The Director (Child Welfare Division) will also have separate interviews with the applicant and the Adoptee (child).
5. And after the interview if the reports are satisfactory, the application will be now be transferred to the Legal department and a Lawyer appointed to move the application before the court.
6. A date will be assigned for the hearing of the application in the court which will require the presence of the applicant, the adoptee (child), and the parents of the adoptee for examinations by the constituted panel.
7. If the application becomes successful, an order of court will be enrolled and issued to the applicant who must have signed an undertaking before the court.
8. Payment of Application/Processing and all statutory fees must be made.
N/B: Applicant must have an address in Nigeria and must have lived in Nigeria for not less than ……years.
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