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Free Copy of “Edo State Local Governments Uniform and Harmonised Levies, Rates, Fees and Charges Law, 2017”.

Free Copy of “Edo State Local Governments Uniform and Harmonised Levies, Rates, Fees and Charges Law, 2017”.

Click to download “the Edo State Local Governments Uniform and Harmonised Levies, Rates, Fees and Charges Law, 2017”. 

In Edo State, the State House Assembly made a law enabling local governments to demand and collect specific harmonised and uniform levies, rates and fees since 28 February 2017. The law (the “Edo State Local Governments Uniform and Harmonised Levies, Rates, Fees and Charges Law, 2017”) further specifies amounts to be paid for each levy/fee to avoid outrageous demands and assessments. Most people are not aware of the specified amounts and as such they are been defrauded. For instance, Advert and Signage Rates is N150,000.00 for a year, but some corrupt Local Governments charge N900,000.00 for year and people pay or demand for reduction to N500,000.00 and then pay.

Click to download “the Edo State Local Governments Uniform and Harmonised Levies, Rates, Fees and Charges Law, 2017”. 

For reasons unknown to us, this law that was made since 2017 is not common and worse still not available on any online platform/website (at the time of this publication). Hence, the need to make it available here for free! Until laws are easily accessible, non-compliance and abuse will be inevitable. It is your right to sabi (understand) laws.

Click to download “the Edo State Local Governments Uniform and Harmonised Levies, Rates, Fees and Charges Law, 2017”. 

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