Is There A Fixed Order For Criminal Investigations In Nigeria? Daily Law Tips (Tip 584) by Onyekachi Umah, Esq., LLM. ACIArb(UK)
Who must be interviewed first in criminal investigation? Is there a person that must be investigated first before others? Is there an approved order or sequence for investigations in Nigeria? Below are the words of the Supreme Court on this issue:
“Apart from the power vested in the Police for the prevention and detection of crime and the apprehension of offenders, I am not aware of any law which stipulates the order in which investigations are to be carried out…. Criminal investigations are carried out by the Police based on information at the disposal of the Force and the investigator uses his own discretion to determine how to go about the work.” Per AKA’AHS ,J.S.C ( Pp. 8-9, paras. C-E ). OLATINWO v. STATE (2013) LPELR-19979(SC)
1. The Supreme Court’s judgement in the case of OLATINWO v. STATE (2013) LPELR-19979(SC)
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