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Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun’s Appointment as the Chief Justice of Nigeria: A Milestone for Judicial Excellence, Gender Diversity, and Legal Integrity

Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun's Appointment as the Chief Justice of Nigeria: A Milestone for Judicial Excellence, Gender Diversity, and Legal Integrity

Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun’s Appointment as the Chief Justice of Nigeria: A Milestone for Judicial Excellence, Gender Diversity, and Legal Integrity.


The appointment of Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun as the Chief Justice of Nigeria represents a significant milestone for the judiciary in Nigeria, bringing with it a wealth of judicial experience, a strong commitment to the rule of law, and opportunity to further strengthen the integrity of the Nigerian legal system. As an accomplished jurist with a distinguished career and high degree sense of legal prowess, Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun’s elevation to the highest judicial position in the country signals a continuity of excellence, the promotion of gender diversity, and a renewed focus on judicial independence. This is a tastament to the fact that her leadership is poised to enhance the judiciary’s role in upholding justice, fostering public trust, and mentoring the next generation of legal professionals.

Hence, the appointment of Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun as the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) comes with several potential advantages few amongst which would be highlighted herein.

Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun has extensive experience in the judiciary, having served in various capacities over the years. She began as a Senior Magistrate Grade II, Lagos State Judiciary on December 1989, on the 19th, July 1996 she was appointed as a High Court judge, Lagos State. On the 22nd September, 2004 she was elavated to the Court of Appeal and later to the Supreme Court in 2013. Her deep understanding of legal principles and prior judicial rulings can lead to informed and balanced decisions at the highest level. The immense and unquantifiable legal prowess of Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun is evident in Peoples Democratic Party & Ors V. Barr. Sopuluchukwu E. Ezeonwuka & Anor (2017) LLJR-SC. Where Hon. Justice Kudirat Kudirat Kekere-Ekun held:

“it is necessary to keep two legal principles in mind. The first is that election and election related matters are sui generis…an election petition is not the same as ordinary civil proceedings. It is a special proceedings because of the peculiar nature of elections, which by reason of their importance to the well-being of a democratic society are regarded with aura that places them over and above the normal day to day transactions between individuals which give rise to ordinary or general claims in Court”

The above points to the fact that election petition is not treated the same as ordinary civil litigation. And due to the significant role elections play in the well-being of a democratic society, election petition is regarded as a special proceeding. This special status elevates election petition above routine legal disputes, recognizing the critical impact it has on the functioning and stability of democratic governance.

In terms of promoting gender diversity within the judiciary, however, the author firmly believes that appointment of Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun as the second female Chief Justice of Nigeria would significantly contribute to increasing gender diversity in Nigeria’s judiciary, inspiring more women to pursue careers in law and rise to prominent positions within the system. As Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun is known for her commitment to the rule of law and judicial integrity, her  leadership is expected to reinforce the independence of judiciary, helping to ensure that justice is administered fairly and without bias.

Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun exemplifies the spirit of law in her speech, practice, and conduct. Therefore, with  the  extensive experience of Justice Kekere-Ekun, the author strongly believes that her appointment would  play a key role in mentoring younger judges and legal practitioners, fostering the development of judicial capacity and strengthening the legal profession in Nigeria.

Further, regarding public confidence, the appointment of justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun with her reputation for fairness and competence can boost public confidence in the judiciary, reinforcing the perception that the court is a place where justice can be sought and obtained without fear of partiality or corruption.

Thus, these potential advantages highlight the significance of the role of Justice Kekere-Eun as a leader in the judiciary and her impact on the broader legal landscape in Nigeria.

About the Author


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