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NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017

NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017

NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017

Click to download the NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017

In the exercise of the powers conferred on the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (the Commission) by the Electric Power Sector Reform Act (now the Electricity Act, 2023) and all other enabling powers, the Commission makes the following Regulations.

Click to download the NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017

The objective of these Regulations is to provide standard rules to achieve the following:

Click to download the NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017

a. Facilitate competition in the supply of electricity, promote the rapid expansion of generation capacity, and opportunities for improvement in the quality of supply.

b. Encourage third-party access to transmission and distribution infrastructure as a precursor to full retail competition in the Nigerian electricity market.

c. Allow licensed generation companies with uncontracted capacity to access unserved and underserved customers thus improving the financial liquidity of the electricity industry.

d. Enhance the stability and operational efficiency of generation companies arising from the flatter load profiles of Eligible Customers and possibly.

Click to download the NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017

The Regulations has 14 chapters and 2 schedules.

Click to download the NERC’S Eligible Customer Regulations, 2017


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