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PDP V. Chief Nduka Edede & AG Federation

PDP V. Chief Nduka Edede & AG Federation

Copy of the PDP V. Chief Nduka Edede & AG Federation

Click the link to download a copy of the PDP V. Chief Nduka Edede & AG Federation

The Court of Appeal in an appeal with suit no: CA/OW/87/2022 through Justice Hamma Akawu Barka, JCA (who delivered the Judgement on behalf of the other Justices -Joseph Eyo Ekanem, JCA, and Mohammed Mustapha, JCA sets aside the decision of the Federal High Court Umuahia Division sitting in Umahia, Abia State ordering the deletion of Section 84 (12) of the Electoral Act 2022, declaring same as been ultra vires and unconstitutional.

Click the link to download a copy of the PDP V. Chief Nduka Edede & AG Federation

The suit in which the judgment was delivered was instituted by originating summons for the determination of the question of the constitutionality of the provision of Section 84(12) of the yet to be officially published Electoral Act, 2022.

You can access the Federal High Court Judgement here

In delivering the judgment, the Judge amongst other things held that:
“I hereby nullify and set aside Section 84 (12) of the Electoral Act, 2022, for being unconstitutional, invalid, null and void to the extent of its inconsistency with Sections 66 (1) (f); 107 (1) (f) , 147 ( 1) (g), and 182 (1) ( g) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended )”; and “I hereby order the Defendant ( The AGF) to delete the provision of Section 84(12) from the Electoral Act, 2022 with immediate effect.”

The 49 pages judgement was delivered on the 11th May, 2022.

The links of all the three judgements are below:

Click to download the Court Order Nullifying S.84(12) of the Electoral Act, 2022

Click the link to download a copy of the PDP V. Chief Nduka Edede & AG Federation

Click to download a copy of the the President of Nigeria V. National Assembly & 2 Others


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