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Can Blockchain Technology Improve Food Security

Can Blockchain Technology Improve Food Security? By Anthony Onwukwe

Can Blockchain Technology Improve Food Security?
By Anthony Onwukwe

Recently, we commemorated #worldfoodsafetyday2022 and in line with the thought of ensuring food safety and food security, I wondered how blockchain technology could enhance food security. I believe you also wonder too.

Well this is no Alice in ‘Wonderland’ tale, it has been stated that blockchain which also enhances supply chain management, can equally optimise the agricultural supply chain, through the auditable data stored on blockchain databases.

In specifics, blockchain technology can enhance food security in the following ways:

*Data sourcing and Information Gathering: Big data applications like the blockchain technology, can be used to record and consolidate information on the quality of seeds, performance of crops and when the crops leave farm for sale. The blockchain technology offers immutability of records and this can ensure transparency in food supply chain.

*Food Fraud Eradication: Too bold to say right? However, the blockchain technology can help eradicate food fraud. Details as to when a seed was planted, the type of seed, when the crops were harvested etc, can be efficiently recorded and made accessible to all.

*Builds Trust Amongst Players in the Supply Chain: it enhances traceability of product provenance. A system where manufacturers, suppliers, transporters, can access information about a product and this enhances trust between them.

* It also enhances risk detection in a food supply chain and encourages proactive actions.

*Blockchain can identify and avoid counterfeits, fake transactions, effectively tracking/tracing product origin and supply chain activities at the same time that eases paperwork processing. And reduces product delay.

* Blockchain can offer scalability through which expansive databases can be accessible by players in different locations limiting geographical barrier.

And many more…
What other way do you think Blockchain Technology can enhance food security?


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