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Can Web3.0  Enhance An Effective Carbon-Credit System

Can Web3.0  Enhance An Effective Carbon-Credit System?

Can Web3.0  Enhance An Effective Carbon-Credit System?

By Anthony Onwukwe

A Carbon Credit is a certificate or permit, that gives a right or an allowance to a company, agency or country to produce a certain amount of carbon emissions( usually 1 ton of Carbon iv oxide) or green-house gas into the atmosphere, and this permit can be traded, if the full allowance is not exhausted by the bearer or holder of the permit. 

A carbon Credit or a Carbon Offset is also a tradeable certificate and allows industries to be compensated for reducing carbon agglomeration in the atmosphere.

Carbon Crediting, can simply be described as the system of issuing credit certificates to organisations, agencies etc or the adminstration of carbon credits.

Web3.0, has quite a number of prospective use cases and in the energy sector, Web3 still applies in making systems better. In areas such as; energy conservation, energy generation and even carbon crediting, Web3 has been found to be of great utility.

  Web3 can enhance an effective Carbon-Credit system via the following ways:

  • Automation of Carbon-Credit Process:

The Blockchain Technology, which is a major part of the Web3 technology can provide automation to the process of carbon crediting. Blockchain which is an immutable, tamper-proof, secure, and decentralized blockchain network can use the benefits of the distributed ledger technology and push up the adoption of energy certificates. The transparency of the blockchain technology can also make the carbon credit system, more transparent. And it has been stated the blockchain offers the most effective way of certifying carbon credits.

  • P2P Exchange Enabled: One key element of Web3 is decentralisation and deregulation of processes originally controlled by central entities. With Web3, it is possible to have Peer-Peer(P2P) energy exchange , such as Peer-Peer  energy trading firms. This can also foster the seamless exchange and distribution of certificates e.g as Program Time Units ( PTU) in the best way that saves cost.
  • Tokenisation Of Energy Certificates: Web3.0 has tokenisation as part of its offering and in the energy sector , carbon credit certificates can be tokenised. This tokenisation of energy certificates, can help organisations generate more revenue and can have carbon credits issued at low cost. While fostering market liquidity.
  • Effective Recording System: This cannot be overlooked .With Web3.0, you can have a more transparent and accessible record of activities that occur in the energy supply chain, such as levels of carbon emissions and since it has the distributed ledger technology as one of its components, a full disclosure of the amount of energy generated across different sources, is very much accessible.


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