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Land Law

Legal Guide On Purchase Of Land In Towns (part 2)


Hello, am glad to have your eyes on this page. On last edition I wrote on “legal guide on buying of land in villages” which dwelt on the purchase of land under customary law which often occurs in our villages. I highlighted the legal requirements and steps to a successful land transaction under such law. Now is time for us to takea deep dive into land transaction under our statutory law. It is for land transactions in our towns and cities. I urge you to learn as much as you can and save yourself embarrassments. 

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Land Law

Legal Guide On Purchase Of Land In Villages (part 1)


All lands in Nigeria is vestedon the 36 States’ Governors across Nigeria aside those lands own by Federal Government and her agencies. Local Government Chairmen have vestments of land in local government (non-urban areas).  A Governor of astate as well as a local government can lease out to individuals (21 years old and above) or companies or incorporated trustees for a certain term (usually 99 years). Upon the approval of either the governor or local government (as the case may be) the person or registered company to whomgovernment had leased a land to, can subsequentlysub-lease, transfer, alienate, mortgage and vest such upon another person, registered company or trustee. Land can be sold and bought in Nigeria either through customary law or statutory law.  Below is a guideon acquiring land in villages throughcustomary method.   

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Land Law

Misuse Of “Power Of Attorney” In Land Transactions

The most popular document in land transactions in Nigeria is“Power of Attorney”. Purchasers and sellers of land have given more powers than the law provided for to power of attorney. Power of attorney is merely a document which authorises a person to act for another as an agent. It is a document of delegation. In it, an owner of a right, power or title can transfer his rights to another person to exercise for him. The owner of the right is referred to as “Donor” while the person to whom it is donated to is referred to as a “donee”/ “attorney”. A power of attorney can be with or without a seal (a red wax or rubber sticker and the words “signed, sealed and delivered”).

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Business Law

How To Register A Business, A Partnership And A Company In Nigeria

Do you have dreams of starting up your own company; with a marketable name of your choice? Are you tired of being duped over registration of your company? Do you want to expand your company? Are you losing customers because your business name is being imitated?  If your answer to this is YES, then you are good to take this self-help guide. A guide to protecting you and your business outfit, aid your loan and fund accessibility in financial institutions, hype your profile for contract bids, ground your locus standi in litigations and equip you with enormous rights.

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How To Be Legally Married
Family Law

How To Be Legally Married

en. wikipedia

Courtship is not marriage neither is a loose partnership of opposite sex marriage. Living together and making of babies doesn’t connote marriage. Hear this, going to a church and being declared “man and woman” without an earlier strict observance of legal marriage requirements is no marriage in the eyes of law.

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Business Law

A Guide On How To Register A Church And An Association

NO MAN IS AN ISLAND says a cliché; no wonder man will always need man to survive perfectly. Man is a rational being that needs the calculated aid of his follow beings to perfect his environment and achieve desirable varying goals. Consequently man and his brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, associates, colleagues, mates, well-wishers and neighbours often do come together to form and cement a common platform and frontier to protect and project their own interest and belief and that of their community at large. Such formations often give rise to several cultural associations, religious bodies, clubs, social association, educational bodies, sporting association and charitable bodies (NGOs). Unlike in the past days of military regime, today the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria provides safeguards and promotes our inalienable Right to Associate, in Nigeria.

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Criminal Law

Bounced Or Dud Cheque And Its Legal Consequence In Nigeria

In our traditional Nigerian banking system, cheque books are only offered to current account owners who are in turn charged on transaction. The present advancement in banking has invoked the offering of savings account with cheque books and quasi-cheque books with limited features and acceptability.

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